Friday, May 11, 2012

High Five

Today, I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk blog to bring you five good things in my life from this week because let's face it, there just isn't enough joy in the little things in this world right now.

1.  My nails!  My nails are super awesome and strong now that I'm pregnant and I just don't pretty them up enough.  I have had this idea Pinned for eons and just never got around to doing it.  It's super easy and fun.  You can find more information on it here.

2.  Appa, my oldest "son"!  He thinks he's a dog--plays fetch, growls at intruders, chews on things he shouldn't...and sleeps like a human.  He loves to lay in this spot at the end of the couch when the lamp is on and then cover his eyes as if it's too bright.  I have no idea why.  He's weird.

3.  This note pad holder was given to me at Christmas by my mother-in-law.  It's been collecting dust on a bookshelf since then, but I'm going to keep it by the computer now so I can write down my random ideas, lists, whatever and stick them the notebook I keep in my purse without having to get the notebook every time I have a thought.

4.  My son's bedding!  I absolutely LOVED The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle as a kid.  Ask any of my family about it and they will launch into stories about how I used to recite it to friends, family, strangers.  I was a shy kid so it was kind of a big deal.  Anyway, my Aunt Lynette, who I will always credit for making me into the reader I am today, got this for me from The Pottery Barn Kids and I love love love it!!

5.  This picture.  My husband and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon back in September and we got to Florida early enough that we spent some time on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale before finishing the trek to Miami (yes we drove from Lexington to Miami.)  I found it today as I was searching the photos on the computer for something else and it made me happy to just see and be reminded of vacation.

What are 5 good things that happened to you this week?  Here's one for you: It's Friday!!


  1. It IS Friday! That is definitely something to be excited about, haha. I love the photo of your cat - so cute! :) Happy weekend.

  2. I have a dog who acts like a cat:) Love that baby bedding.
