Wow, I did not mean to take such a long hiatus from blogging. Life has a way of making it impossible for finding time to really sit down and write. I'm working on finding the balance but for now I thought I would give a quick update on what's going on in my life before working on some other posts that I hope to publish this week including a tutorial on ombre nails and what I got in my Birchbox.
So I started work last week and it went extremely well. It was a lot smoother of a transition than I thought it would be. I may or may not have cried the two days before going back, but after just a few tears Wednesday morning, I kissed baby goodbye and trotted off to work. It was a lot like going back to school after summer vacation. Everyone was excited to see me and after a few minutes of catching up, I was right back to work, buying stuff from the public and running the kids section. It honestly felt like I never left.
I will admit that I was really unsure of myself when I was preparing to head back to work in terms of caring for Jude and making sure he got enough milk so that we didn't have supplement him with formula. I'm not against formula or people that use it; I understand that everyone has different needs and concerns. I just want to make use of what we already have. Formula can get expensive and as long as I'm able to produce enough for him, I'd like to stay away from it. He got his 2 month shots last Tuesday and the doctor said he was growing sufficiently and to keep up the good work, which made me feel awesome. I really want to maintain that. I do have to pump in my car on my lunch breaks which sucks, but I'm able to keep up with his needs and still have enough to store a bottle's worth in the freezer every night for later. I hope to soon have enough that I can allow his grandparents take him overnight occasionally.
Jude really seems to be taking the transition really well. I had read that sometimes babies don't take to change well so I was really nervous about him handling me leaving for 8 hours a day, but he is ever resilient and has not fussed or cried any more than usual. I'm so grateful that she was here to help me transition into work. We are really going to miss her when she leaves later today.
In other news, our house is in underwriting now. I'm not really sure what that means but apparently it's good. Our appraisal went well and our termite inspection came up negative. From my understanding, we should be able to move in at the end of August. Holla! I have been going crazy on Pinterest looking for ways to maximize our space and be super organized. I can't wait to get started and share what we do with the house with you all.
Lastly, I would like to mention my current obsession with the Olympics. It was my dream as a young child to be Olympic gymnast Dominique Moceanu. I still remember my excitement as I watched her and the rest of the Magnificent Seven win the gold at the '96 Olympics in Atlanta. Ever since then, I become a maniac during the Olympic season. I watch everything possible from gymnastics and swimming to kayaking and archery. If it's on TV when I'm home, I can be found watching it obnoxiously. I won't get into just how obnoxious I am, but I will say that I'm still upset that Jordyn Wieber was robbed of competing in the All-Around. She was much better on the Floor Exercise that Gabby Douglas. Rar.
Anyway, there's a small glimpse into my life from the past two weeks. Before I go, I have to ask, does anyone else get as obnoxious about the Olympics as I do? I mean, I really am like the annoying person at a sporting event yelling obscenities at the referees and cheering so loudly that you wish you could gag them. Anyone?
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