Friday, June 29, 2012

High Five for Friday

Well folks, it has been a rather rough week in my household.  My baby bear has not had a very good week which is why I've been MIA and haven't had a chance to post my 30x30 outfits this week.  I'm working on that post later today though and will have it up today or tomorrow.  I just couldn't seem to get ahead this week and I hate that. 

But good things were still abound in my life and I'm here to share!  Linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk as always.

1.  A rare quiet moment for me this week.  I like to pretend he's got a headache from all the other babies crying in the restaurant which is why he's grabbing his head.

2.  Is there really anything better thank a Cake Batter Mixer from Culver's?  No?  Didn't think so.

3.  We got to make it out to our first cookout of the summer last weekend.  It was nice to get outside and chill with the in-laws and their friends.

4.  I posted last week that I got a new dishwasher (finally!) which means I can now be unafraid to cook dinner without the hassle of washing all the dishes by hand.  Homemade Au Gratin Potatoes, steamed green beans, and Ritz crusted chicken were the first things on the menu.

5.  How cute is this face?  The husband took this picture.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one that takes a ton of pictures of this kid.

Here's to hoping next week is better than this week.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Friday! Let's High Five!

Yay for Friday!  I must say that I hate how fast the time is going now.  I only have a few weeks left of maternity leave and I'm already dreading leaving my sweet little baby bear.  :(  

Not a lot of pictures from this week but still good things happening.  I must say that doing this every week has helped me to appreciate all the good things that happen to me every week.  Even if they are random little details that only I really appreciate.  

As always I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk!

1.  My mom came by this week and spent the day with me.  Not only did she help me take care of baby so that I could finally catch an extra hour or two of sleep, buy me some much needed groceries, AND do my dishes for me, but she also helped me figure out how to get Jude to sleep better.  It's still rough getting him to sleep but he's sleeping longer now.  Woo hoo! 

2.  Speaking of dishes, my dishwasher has been broken for what seems like forever, at least two or three months now, and I'm finally getting a new one!  The landlady dropped it off last night and it is being installed today!  Praise Jesus! 

3.  My friends Ravon and Ronnie officially announced their engagement this week!  I have known for a few weeks now but they wanted to keep it quiet for a bit.  I'm so excited for them because they have been together forever and they are so awesome!  I already know that their wedding is going to be AH-MAZING.

4.  Last Friday night we had dinner with friends who made us an amazing steak dinner complete with green beans and mac and cheese (I swear I'll get better at taking photos of things other than my kid).  It was amazing.  What was also amazing was this wine glass that they own.  Yes, this is in fact a mason jar goblet.  
Only in Kentucky.  

5.  My baby Jude is 4 weeks old!  While it makes me sad that time is going so quickly, I am loving every second of being with him and watching him grow.   

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

30x30 Challenge: Week One


Time for Kate and Lauren's 30x30 Challenge!  For this challenge I will be taking 30 items of clothing and shoes from my closet and making 30 different outfits from them.  This is A) to prevent me from shopping (not that I have the money to anyway) and B) to take a good look at my closet and see that I do actually have something to wear. 

My pictures are terrible this week, I apologize in advance.  I cannot for the life of me find my real camera so I resorted to the computer camera and my iPhone camera.   Eh.  No bueno.

Grey Racerback tank//PacSun
Black shorts//Old Navy
Purple Jacket+Vans//Hot Topic

White tank+Black flip flops//Old Navy
Bermuda Shorts//PacSun
Sweater Shrug//New York & Co.

Jeans+Striped Sweater//Motherhood Maternity  (yes I know, I'm still wearing maternity clothes even though i probably don't have to.  but i love love love the sweater.  it's sooo comfortable.  and i just haven't dug out my old jeans yet to see if i can fit into them yet.)

I must admit that this challenge is not too challenging yet but I've already used 11 out of 30 items so it will be interesting to see how I reuse them in future outfits.  I may have to get creative.  This could get dangerous.

Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five for Friday

It's FRIDAY!  Yay!  The weeks seem to just fly by now that I'm not working.  It's been a good week but I'm looking forward to the weekend.  The husband actually has it off and while I'm sure it means it will be a lazy weekend, I'm excited to get to spend some time with him and little bear.

Anyway, here are 5 good things from my week.  Linking up, as always, with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.

1.  I got a call from my Uncle Edward this week.  It feels like forever since I'd talked to him last and even longer since I've seen him, my aunt, and cousins.  They live in Texas, where I'm originally from, and it's just so hard to get down there very often.  He just graduated from college and I couldn't be more proud of him!

2.  I know I always post pictures of my sleepy bear but I just love our cuddle time so much!  I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can before I have to return to work.

3.  Tuesday was my 1 year wedding anniversary!  My in-laws watched little bear while the husband and I enjoyed a wonderful hibachi dinner with frozen yogurt for dessert.  We even took bites of our wedding cake for tradition's sake.

4.  June's Birchbox came in this week!  You can read all about what was inside here.

5.  No picture for this one but I'm excited about being inspired!  I've decided to take on Kate and Lauren's 30x30 clothing challenge (maybe I'll develop some sense of fashion along the way).  I've got a pile of books I want to read before I have to go back to work and lose any hope of ever getting through them.  AND I'm finally figuring out how to cook and bake while taking care of baby Jude.  I'm really beginning to feel like my old, non-pregnant self again.

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June Birchbox

Yesterday was a great day for mail!  Not only did the new Game Informer come in (super awesome bathroom reading material let me tell you) but my June Birchbox came in!  Woo hoo!

This month's box was centered around the "Jetsetter" and came with supplies meant to help you look your best when you are on the go this summer.  My box was a little weird because the back of the card that lists what should be in your box was not accurate but for like one item.  The stuff I got was pretty cool so I'm not complaining but it's odd.  Anyway, read on for a breakdown of the loot I got.

Tili reusable plastic ziploc bag: Great for carrying around little toiletries, snacks, loose supplies in your purse.  I really like this bag.  It seems durable and waterproof which is good since I'm going to use it in my diaper bag to help organize and separate my things from Jude's.

LA Fresh Face Cleanser wipes: The name says it all.  I'm not one to wear a ton of makeup, especially now since I'm playing mommy and staying home all day, plus it's summer and I don't wear much beyond moisturizer and some eyeliner so I don't sweat through it.  I'll save these for those rare occasions when more makeup is called for.

thebalm cosmetics Staniac: This is a twofer (which is totally rad; I love twofers).  It is a cheek and lip stain, which seems weird at first (at least it did to me) but I used it earlier for my anniversary dinner with the husband and I loved it!  The stain made my lips nice and red without it looking like I painted on layers of lipstick and lip liner and gave my cheeks just a hint of color.  I may actually order the full size version of this.

Georgie Beauty Winks by Georgie: These faux lashes seem cool however I've never worn fake lashes as I don't really need to.  My lashes aren't super long or thick but I think they work well for my face.  I might give these a shot one day though just for funsies.

hair rules Lift Volumizing Shampoo: Again the name says it all.  I'm excited to use it to see if it really does give my hair a lift.  I have stick straight hair that I struggle with constantly trying to create some volume.  This may be my saving grace.

All in all, another good score from Birchbox.  What about you?  What came in your package?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pinterest Love

Hello all!

I know it's been a while since I've shared some of my Pins but life with a newborn is crazy.  Baby Jude is nearing three weeks old already.  Where does the time go?  Sigh.

Anyway, in between feedings and diaper changes and singing (terribly off key) baby bear to sleep I have gathered some of my top finds.  Enjoy!

Um, how awesome would these shoes be?  (Answer is supa awesome.)  Maybe it's the geek inside me but I want all five of these, but mainly the Lord of the Rings one.  And the Hunger Games.  And Doctor Who is cool too...

Boho Braid

Yeah we all know I'm obsessed with braids.  I love love love this hair style.  Pretty sure I'm going to do this one tomorrow for my one year wedding anniversary with the husband!  I'll try to remember to take pictures.  

Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake

Summer to me means strawberries and watermelons.  This twist on the classic strawberry shortcake is a must try.  Next time I go to the grocery, I'm getting the stuff to make these.

Tupperware Lid Storage

How genius is this idea?  I mean, seriously, how did I not think of this before?


Working on my fitness.  I mentioned before that I am down to pre-pregnancy weight (woot!) but I'm going to keep whittling down those pounds.  This is helping to keep me moving at least a little bit each day.

Last one:
Lego Halloween Costume

Future Halloween outfit for Jude.  Cardboard boxes and solo cups.  Yes, he's going to hate me.  But he will be awesome!

Friday, June 8, 2012

High Five for Friday

Happy happy Friday everyone!

Hope everyone has had a great week and if you haven't here's to hoping your weekend is infinitely better!

Linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk, to bring you some good things from my week. Join us!

1. Husband and I finally finished the puzzle! Major props to the husband for pretty much finishing it by himself. My interest with the puzzle ended when we got to the solid colored pieces, then the baby came so attention span went out the window. We bought this frame at Michael's and now it hangs in our bedroom.

2. Baby Jude and I went on our first solo adventures this week to much success. We have made a trip to the grocery store, the bank, Target, and Fazolis. We even managed a trip into my work so I could show him off to all my friends. He slept through it all of course.

3. Naps with baby are truly the best thing ever. Appa loves to join us now too when he can.

4. I can wear my engagement ring again! My fingers swelled up when I got pregnant and I haven't been able to wear it since November. I wasn't sure if i would be able to wear it again so could not have been happier when it fit!

5. No picture for this one but I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight! Woo hoo! I plan to keep going so that I can get down to a more healthy weight. Another 20-30 pounds will put me there.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, June 1, 2012

H54F: Baby Edition

Hello everyone!  I know I've been a bit MIA the past week but that's because baby Jude finally decided to join us!  After a little over 13 hours of labor my little one was born May 24 at 4.26 PM.  I won't lie, most of my Five is about him.  Enjoy the cuteness!

As always I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.  Join us!

1.  My dear college friend and sorority sister Ravon and her "mister," as she calls him, Ronnie went on a mini-vacation for her birthday and while there they found this adorable onesie for Jude.  How fitting is this Beatles onesie?  They brought us breakfast and presented us with this amazing find and I can't wait for Jude to be big enough to wear it.  And by can't wait for him to be big enough, I mean that I just want him to grow enough to wear it and then stop growing.  He has already grown 2 inches since birth and I just want him to be little and snuggly forever!

2.  My beautiful son, Jude Harrison, sleeping peacefully in his hooded bear blanket.  The husband found this blanket on one of our trips to Buy Buy Baby and tried to be sneaky and slip it into the basket.  He needn't have bothered trying to be sneaky because I would have snagged one myself if I'd seen it first.  I'm pretty sure that it was even on my registry.


 3.  The husband and I love taking naps and snuggling with our sleepy baby bear.  Sleep is still a bit elusive to us at this point so we take every chance we can get.  It's even sweeter when we can cuddle up with him while he naps too.

 4.  Completely random, but yes, this is a picture of a peanut butter and banana sandwich.  I include this because I have not been able to eat peanut butter since getting pregnant with Jude.  It is really the only weird pregnancy food thing that I experienced but man did it suck major (insert your choice of profanity here) to not even be able to eat a pb&j.  I mean, come on. This sandwich marks my triumphant return to the land of peanut butter.

 5.  Last one of my sleepy baby.  Look at all that hair!  Yes, he gave me lots of heartburn in the first trimester and this acidic-gassy sensation in my chest the last two trimesters.  I even had the acid stuff while in labor.  It was awful.  Seeing him with all his beautiful hair makes it not so bad though.

I'm planning to write a series of posts that talk about my labor experience and being mother to a newborn, complete with more adorable pictures of my little one so stay tuned!

Hope everyone's Friday is as awesome as mine!