Friday, June 1, 2012

H54F: Baby Edition

Hello everyone!  I know I've been a bit MIA the past week but that's because baby Jude finally decided to join us!  After a little over 13 hours of labor my little one was born May 24 at 4.26 PM.  I won't lie, most of my Five is about him.  Enjoy the cuteness!

As always I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.  Join us!

1.  My dear college friend and sorority sister Ravon and her "mister," as she calls him, Ronnie went on a mini-vacation for her birthday and while there they found this adorable onesie for Jude.  How fitting is this Beatles onesie?  They brought us breakfast and presented us with this amazing find and I can't wait for Jude to be big enough to wear it.  And by can't wait for him to be big enough, I mean that I just want him to grow enough to wear it and then stop growing.  He has already grown 2 inches since birth and I just want him to be little and snuggly forever!

2.  My beautiful son, Jude Harrison, sleeping peacefully in his hooded bear blanket.  The husband found this blanket on one of our trips to Buy Buy Baby and tried to be sneaky and slip it into the basket.  He needn't have bothered trying to be sneaky because I would have snagged one myself if I'd seen it first.  I'm pretty sure that it was even on my registry.


 3.  The husband and I love taking naps and snuggling with our sleepy baby bear.  Sleep is still a bit elusive to us at this point so we take every chance we can get.  It's even sweeter when we can cuddle up with him while he naps too.

 4.  Completely random, but yes, this is a picture of a peanut butter and banana sandwich.  I include this because I have not been able to eat peanut butter since getting pregnant with Jude.  It is really the only weird pregnancy food thing that I experienced but man did it suck major (insert your choice of profanity here) to not even be able to eat a pb&j.  I mean, come on. This sandwich marks my triumphant return to the land of peanut butter.

 5.  Last one of my sleepy baby.  Look at all that hair!  Yes, he gave me lots of heartburn in the first trimester and this acidic-gassy sensation in my chest the last two trimesters.  I even had the acid stuff while in labor.  It was awful.  Seeing him with all his beautiful hair makes it not so bad though.

I'm planning to write a series of posts that talk about my labor experience and being mother to a newborn, complete with more adorable pictures of my little one so stay tuned!

Hope everyone's Friday is as awesome as mine!